Key facts
  1. Trip Providers. We introduce you to Trip Providers and Your Journey or Public Transport Journey is provided by them in accordance with these Terms.
  2. Check your details. Please take the time to read through and double-check all the details in your booking confirmation.
  3. Turn your phone on. If travelling using Ride Services make sure your phone is on at the time of pick-up, so you can be contacted. If using the Public Transport Service, Your ticket may be an e-ticket on Your phone. Your phone provider may charge for using your phone abroad.
  4. Leave enough time. Make sure you leave enough time to get to your destination. Our estimated journey times do not take into account traffic conditions and other unforeseen circumstances – or your own travel requirements (e.g. how long before take-off you need to check in at an airport).
  5. Running late for your pre-booked ride? We will wait for you! Your booking includes allocated waiting time, please refer to Your Booking confirmation email for details of Your allocated waiting time.
  6. Rate us – and help us deliver an even better service.
1. Terminology
  1. “Booking” means the booking of a Journey or Public Transport Journey forming part of the Services.
  2. “Driver” means the person (or persons) allocated by the Trip Provider to drive the Vehicle throughout the Journey.
  3. “Drop Off Location” means the location set out in the Booking to which the Passengers are to travel (for Ride Services this may be amended via the Platform).
  4. “Journey” means travel using the Ride Services between the Pick Up Location and the Drop-off Location as agreed in the Booking, which shall include any subsequent additional and/or amended travel agreed between You/the Passengers and the Driver or the Trip Provider (as applicable).
  5. “On Demand Services” or “ride-hailing services” means the arrangement of transport services via a Trip Provider, which is requested by You immediately before or at the time You arrive at the Pick Up Location.
  6. “Passengers” means the person(s) making the Journey or Public Transport Journey (which shall be You and/or (if applicable) any other persons) and “Passenger” shall mean any one of them.
  7. “Pick Up Location” means the pick-up location at which You have designated in Your Booking.
  8. “Pick Up Time” means, for Pre-Book Services, the local time (using the local time applying at the Pick Up Location) at which You have designated in Your Booking and, for On Demand , the time at which Your Driver arrives at the Pick Up Location that You have designated in the Booking(in any case, as may be amended by agreement between the Passengers and the Driver or Trip Provider (as applicable)).
  9. “Platforms” has the meaning as set out in our Trip Terms and Conditions and, in addition, includes websites operated by any company in our group and any third party affiliate websites and apps.
  10. “Pre-Book Services” means the arrangement of transport services via a Trip Provider to take place at the Pick Up Time, which is agreed in advance of You arriving at the Pick Up Location.Ws
  11. “Pre-Book Ride” means the arrangement of transport services via a Trip Provider to take place at the Pick Up Time, which is agreed in advance of You arriving at the Pick Up Location.
  12. “Public Transport Services” means the arrangement of Public Transport Journeys as specified in the Booking.
  13. “Public Transport Journey ” means the public transport travel (including but not limited to train, bus, tram and metro) between the Pick Up Location and Drop Off Location, which is provided by the Trip Provider.
  14. “Ride Services” means the arrangement of On Demand Services or Pre Booked Services
  15. “Services” means the Pre-Book Services, the On Demand Services Public Transport Services (as applicable) made available to You on any of the Platforms.
  16. “Transport Terms” means these terms and conditions.
  17. “Trip Provider” has the meaning as set out in our Trip Terms and Conditions.
  18. “Vehicle” means the vehicle type to be used to complete the Journey or Public Transport Journey set out in the Booking.
  19. “You” or “Your” means you, the person who makes a Booking.
  20. Terms not defined in these Transport Terms shall have the meaning given to them in our Trip Terms and Conditions.
2. Contractual relationship
  1. In respect of our services in introducing You to Trip Providers, our Trip Terms and Conditions form the contract between You and for such services.
  2. In respect of the Services, when You make a Booking, we enter into a separate contract with You on behalf of the Trip Provider as its disclosed agent, and the Trip Provider is the principal. These Transport Terms and our Trip Terms and Conditions (together the “Terms”) form the contract that we enter into with You on behalf of the Trip Provider. The Trip Provider’s house rules and cancellation policy (the “Trip Provider Policies”) will also apply to the contract, unless stated otherwise in these Terms. To the extent there is any inconsistency, the Trip Provider Policies take priority over the Terms, but otherwise if there is any inconsistency between these Transport Terms and our Trip Terms and Conditions or any other terms (other than the Trip Provider Policies), these Transport Terms shall prevail.
  3. The Trip Provider may provide transportation services to You via an independent third party contractor and they will disclose the provider of such services to You when You make a Booking; in such case, the transportation services are provided to You under a separate contract between You and the transportation provider notified to You by the Trip Provider, which is governed by the terms notified to You by the Trip Provider.
  4. We may change the Terms from time to time and You are advised to check here regularly to consider any changes to the Terms which apply to You and/or any Passenger. We may also email our updated Terms to You. Your continued access or use of the Services after such change constitutes Your agreement to be bound by the Terms, as amended.
3. What we will do
  1. We will provide the Trip Provider with details of the Booking, including Your name and for Ride Services, Your Pick Up Location.
  2. For Ride Services We will provide You with contact details for the Trip Provider prior to Your Pick Up Time.
  3. When You book Pre-Book Services, we will endeavour to ensure that the Trip Provider allocates the Vehicle requested in the Booking to complete Your Journey although we are unable to guarantee the make and model.
  4. For Public Transport Services We will provide You with the tickets You will need to make Your Public Transport Journey, or, if applicable, any information necessary to collect Your tickets at the Pick Up Location.
4. What you need to do
  1. Register for an account. In order to make a Booking You may need to register for a user account with You must maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date information in Your account, including valid payment method(s) and contact details. If You fail to do this You may be unable to access the Services. You are responsible for all activity that occurs under Your account, and You agree to keep confidential at all times Your account username and password. You must not allow anyone else to use Your account. We may from time to time require proof of Your identity which You must provide to us upon reasonable request.
  2. Complying with laws and being respectful. You must comply with all applicable laws when using the Services and You must not use the Services for unlawful purposes (e.g. trafficking or transporting illegal substances). You agree to cooperate with us, and provide relevant information that we reasonably request, in respect of our anti-fraud and anti-money laundering checks. You must be respectful to Trip Provider personnel at all times and not cause any nuisance, property damage or otherwise behave inappropriately to the DriverTransportation Provider, other Trip Provider personnel or the Trip Provider. You must not contact the Driver or Trip Provider for purposes other than the Service. You must not use the Platforms to cause nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or make fake Bookings. You must not use the Service or the Platforms for purposes other than obtaining the Service and You must only use the Service for the purpose for which it is intended to be used.
  3. Comply with the Trip Provider’s house rules. You must comply with the relevant Trip Provider’s house rules (sometimes referred to as community guidelines or standards), and use the Services in accordance with those rules. A Trip Provider may take action against You (such as blocking You from making a Booking with them) if they consider that You have infringed these rules.
  4. Check Your details.
    1. For Ride Services You must ensure that You have provided us with full and accurate details of the requirements for Your Booking, including, but not limited to, accurate timings (using the local time applying at the Pick Up Location) for the Pick Up Time, Pick Up Location, Drop Off Location and, where applicable, flight number, train times or ferry times. You must ensure that You check that Your Booking details that we confirm with You are complete and accurate.
    2. For Public Transport Services You must ensure that You have provided us with full and accurate details including Your email address and, where applicable, accurate timings, Pickup Location, and Drop Off Location. You must ensure that You check that Your Booking details that we confirm with You are complete and accurate.
  5. Be on time.
    1. For Ride Services You must ensure that the Passengers are at the Pick Up Location at the Pick Up Time. In the case of Pre-Book Services in the event of a flight delay that is beyond Your control, providing You have provided us with Your flight details via the Platform at least 24 hours before the Pick Up Time, the Trip Provider will adjust the Pick Up Time to factor in any delays. In the event Your flight is cancelled or diverted, the Trip Provider may not be able to honour Your Booking, in these circumstances please contact our Customer Support Team.
    2. For Public Transport Services You must ensure that You have enough time to collect your tickets before boarding the train, bus or coach (if applicable). You will be provided with the information You need to collect your ticket during the booking process.
  6. Contact about Your Booking. You must provide us with valid and up to date contact information to enable us and/or the Trip Provider (or their Drivers) to contact You if necessary and provide You with information regarding Your Booking.
  7. Age restriction. You must ensure that any Passengers under the age of 18 are accompanied by a responsible adult. For our Public Transport Service, any child tickets must be purchased with an adult ticket.
  8. All Passengers must be fit to travel. The Trip Provider, whether through a Driver or other Trip Provider personnel, acting reasonably, reserve the right to refuse the Services to any person who is considered unfit to travel, or who is abusive, intoxicated, underage, or if carriage of any such Passengers and/or luggage would cause the Driver or Trip Provider to be in breach of any applicable laws, traffic and/or road safety regulations, or may damage the Vehicle. We will not be liable for the completion of any travel arrangements, nor for any refund, compensation or any other costs whatsoever that You and/or any of the Passengers (as appropriate) may incur in such circumstances.
  9. Select the appropriate Vehicle category. Where using the Ride Services You must ensure that You have chosen the appropriate Vehicle category for Your needs. When choosing Your Vehicle category You should consider the number of Passengers travelling in the Vehicle and the amount of luggage space required and check that the Vehicle meets Your needs. Where using the Public Transport Service You must ensure that public transport is suitable for Your needs.
  10. You are responsible for Passengers’ complying with these Terms. You are responsible for ensuring that the Passengers comply with all provisions of the Terms where necessary or required to enable You to comply with the Terms, and You shall be liable for all acts and omissions of the Passengers.
  11. Make sure You’re happy. Although we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information on our Platforms, neither we nor our affiliates, suppliers or agents can be held responsible by You for the accuracy of such information. The images displayed on our Platforms are for illustrative purposes only. It is solely Your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all information provided on our Platforms. In particular, for Public Transport Service We cannot be held responsible if any of the facilities listed on our Platforms are out of order at the time of Your travel.
5. Pick up for Ride Services
  1. Contacting You and use of Your mobile at the Pick Up Location. You must ensure that You and/or the Passengers (as appropriate) have a telephone, with the contact number You have provided in the Booking, switched on, with mobile network data access (and be able to receive calls and texts, and use data for live chat where applicable) at a reasonable time before and at the Pick Up Time and for the duration of any waiting time as set out below – this is so that the Driver can contact You or You can contact the Driver if necessary. We cannot guarantee the feasibility or possibility of contact with Drivers via WhatsApp, Viber or similar messaging applications and such communications are at Your own risk. You acknowledge that Your mobile network provider may charge additional fees for use of Your mobile data and network access at the Pick Up Location; we are not responsible for such charges.
  2. Wait time for Pre-Book Services. For Pre-Book Services, the Driver will wait for the Passengers for the wait time indicated to You in Your Booking – this may vary depending on whether Your Pick Up Location is at an airport. Due to high passenger numbers at certain airports and the strong likelihood of delays reaching the arrivals hall, the Ride Service waiting time may differ, please refer to Your Booking confirmation email for details.
  3. Wait time for On Demand Services (and charges if Driver waits for longer). For On Demand Services, the Driver is not obliged to wait for You beyond the Pick Up Time, however if they do wait for You, You may be charged for their waiting time in addition to the price due for the Booking. You may be charged a cancellation fee if You are not at the Pick Up Location at the Pick Up Time.
  4. Neither we nor the Driver or Trip Provider are responsible for failed Journeys if the details You have provided in the Booking are incorrect or You have failed to inform us, the Driver or Trip Provider sufficiently or in time of a desired change to Your Booking.
6. Accessibility requests
  1. For Ride Services if any Passengers have any accessibility requests relating to the Booking please contact our Customer Support Team.
  2. We are not able to guarantee any accessibility requests for Public Transport Services. If Passengers have any accessibility requests, it is Your responsibility to contact the Trip Provider or departure and arrival station to see whether these can be accommodated.
7. Price and payment
  1. Our group company, Transport Limited (company number: 05179829, registered office: 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA), is our payment processor which means it will process all payments by You in relation to Bookings. Transport Limited is the merchant of record for such transactions.
  2. For Pre-Book Services, except where You and/or any Passenger agree to changes to the Journey with the Trip Provider and/or the Driver, all tolls, congestion charges, taxes and gratuity charges are included in the price quoted to You and shown on the confirmation of the Booking. You are responsible for all tolls, congestion charges, taxes and gratuity charges that arise from any change to the Journey – all additional charges must be paid by You or the Passenger, as appropriate.
  3. For On Demand Services, You will receive an estimate of the price at the time of Booking; the price payable will be confirmed to You, and payment taken, after completion of the On Demand Services (which occurs upon You being dropped off at the Drop Off Location). You acknowledge that in times of high demand, You may be charged an additional surcharge. You are responsible for all tolls, congestion charges, taxes and gratuity charges arising out of the Journey or any agreed change to the Journey.
  4. For Public Transport Services, if You do not carry the ticket provided as part of Your Booking, You may be charged by Trip Provider personnel the on the day cost of the relevant Public Transport Journey. We will not be liable for any additional costs incurred by You for this.
  5. You and/or the Passengers may be charged if changes are made to Your Journey (a) for Ride Services once the Passengers have been picked up by the Driver; or (b) for Public Transport Services once you have left the departure station. The Driver and/or Trip Provider (as applicable) reserves the right to decline any unreasonable requests to amend the Journey and neither we nor the Driver or Trip Provider (as applicable) shall have any liability to You if You make changes to the Journey that are not acceptable to the Driver and/or Trip Provider.
8. Repair or cleaning charges
  1. You are responsible for the cost of repair for any damage to, or necessary cleaning of, Vehicles and third party property resulting from Your use of the Services in excess of normal “wear and tear” damages and reasonable cleaning and/or Your breach of these Terms. We or the Trip Provider will contact You for payment of such costs and we may facilitate any payments to the Driver or Trip Provider (as applicable).
9. Amendments
  1. For Ride Services if any Passenger wishes to change the Pick Up Location or Drop Off Location, date, time or Vehicle category, You must amend Your Booking prior to the time specified by us in the Booking process or in the Booking confirmation. For On Demand Services, You may need to cancel the Journey and re-book; You may be charged a cancellation fee depending on how far in advance You cancel the Booking. For Public Transport Services you are not able to amend Your Booking once it has been confirmed.
  2. Occasionally it may be necessary for changes to be made to the Booking (after acceptance). In all such cases we will advise You as soon as reasonably possible and, if the proposed changes are unacceptable, You may cancel the Booking without incurring any cancellation fee although You shall not be entitled to cancel the Booking if the only change relates to the identity of the Driver, Trip Provider or the Vehicle which is of a similar make and model, which we are entitled to do at any time prior to the Pick Up Time. In any case we shall have no liability in respect of any direct or indirect losses You may suffer as a result of such changes or cancellation.
10. Cancellation
  1. Certain Trip Providers have their own cancellation policies. If your Journey is booked with one of these Trip Providers, then those cancellation policies will apply to Your Booking, subject to 10.2 below.
  2. If the Trip Provider does not have its own cancellation policy , the following cancellation policy shall apply:
    1. For Ride Services:
      1. You may cancel a Booking free of charge via the relevant Platform on which You made the Booking until such time prior to the Pick Up Time as is specified by us in the Booking process (for Pre-Book ServicesPre-book Rides this is usually a time between 2 and 24 hours prior to the Pick Up Time).
      2. If You cancel a Booking later than the applicable time referred to above the Booking will be charged in full regardless of whether the Journey has been made.
    2. For Public Transport Services You are not able to cancel a Booking once it has been confirmed. If Your travel arrangements change, please contact our customer support immediately as we may be able to help.
  3. We have the right to cancel the Booking or terminate these Terms or the Services upon limited or immediate notice in any circumstances, including but not limited to:
    1. the insolvency of the Trip Provider or any other issue with the Trip Provider (including Vehicles and Drivers) which means that Your Booking cannot be fulfilled. In circumstances where we cancel due to issues related to the Trip Provider we will use our reasonable endeavours to arrange for the supply of alternative arrangements, but at periods of high demand it may not be possible. For Ride Services where we notify You of cancellation of the Booking 48 hours or less before the Pick Up Time, You will receive a return of all monies already paid by You in respect of the Booking; or
    2. Your breach of these Terms and/or the Trip Provider Policies.
11. Limitation of liability
  1. Our liability (including that of our group companies) to You and Passengers is as set out in our Trip Terms and Conditions. In addition, we are not liable to You for any loss You may suffer as a result of any events outside of our control and we are not responsible for, and shall have no liability in respect of, any acts or omissions of the Driver or Trip Provider (as applicable) including, without limitation, any failure or delay to supply the Services or otherwise affecting the Journey which is caused by the Driver or Trip Provider (as applicable).
  2. Subject to clause 11.4, the Trip Provider shall not be liable to You or any Passenger, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any indirect losses of whatever nature, whether or not they arise out of any other loss or damage suffered by You or any Passenger. Furthermore, the Trip Provider shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill or consequential losses, damages or costs.
  3. Subject to clause 11.4, the aggregate limit of the Trip Provider’s liability to You and any Passengers, however arising under the Terms or in respect of a Booking or Journey, shall in no circumstances exceed the cost of the Booking.
  4. Nothing in these Terms exclude or limit liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the liable party, or (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or (iii) or any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.
  5. Except as expressly stated in these Terms, no representation, warranties or undertakings are given in relation to the Services. Any representation, condition or warranty which might be implied or incorporated into these Terms by statute, common law or otherwise is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. In particular, no responsibility is accepted for ensuring that the Services are suitable for Your purposes (which remains solely Your responsibility).
12. Refund Policy
    1. Failed Journeys for Pre-Book Services. For Pre-Book Services, as the Trip Provider will have allocated a Vehicle and a Driver to a Booking, and the Driver may have incurred time travelling to and waiting at the Pick Up Location, and travelling back from the Pick Up Location, You acknowledge and accept that in the event of a failed Journey due to:
      1. incorrect Pick Up Location, Journey details (such as number of Passengers or appropriate Vehicle category for the number of Passengers and luggage), flight details, or contact details being provided to us in the Booking process;
      2. the Driver or Trip Provider being unable to contact You for any reason;
      3. the Passengers failing to be at the Pick Up Location at the Pickup Time or before the end of the waiting times referred to above;
      4. the Passengers failing to rearrange a Pick Up Time in accordance with these Terms;
      5. the Passengers requesting unreasonable amendments to the Pick Up Time or the Journey;
      6. You/ the Passengers failing to comply with 5.1 above; or
      7. any other cause by You or the Passengers,

You will not be entitled to any refund in relation to the Booking and neither we nor the Driver, or the Trip Provider shall have any liability whatsoever to You or any Passenger in respect of the failed Journey or the Booking.

  1. If the Driver is not at the Pick Up Location at the Pick Up Time (or such other time as agreed between You/ the Passengers and the Driver) (other than as a result of any circumstances beyond our/ their reasonable control), provided You have complied with these Terms, You can apply for a refund. We will duly investigate Your refund claim and You agree to cooperate with us during our investigation. If Your refund claim is accepted, it may take up to 3 to 5 working days for the refund to be processed.
  2. You must apply for a refund in writing within 14 days of the Pick Up Time.
  3. We are not obliged to process any refund claims that are not made in writing to us within 14 days of the Pick Up Time.
  4. In all other circumstances the charges paid by You are final and non-refundable unless otherwise determined by
13. General
  1. Conditions of use. It is prohibited for anyone to use any device or software program to directly or indirectly interface, or attempt to interface, with our Platforms to retrieve content and/or any other data, including prices. It is also prohibited to interfere, or attempt to interfere, with the normal working of our Platforms; any activity that we consider places undue load or stress on our systems will be terminated. We constantly monitor everyone accessing our Platforms, and the activities of any automated systems or persons conducting an unreasonable amount of searches, with the aim of accessing information and/or prices, will be terminated and those systems/persons blocked from our Platforms.
  2. Fraud. In certain circumstances, where we have been made aware of, or have reasonable grounds to suspect, that the Services were purchased pursuant to fraudulent or illegal activities, we may cancel a pending or confirmed Booking. Where a Booking is cancelled we will refund any payments made by You. Where we cancel a booking in accordance with this clause, we may notify You with the reason for such cancellation, unless such notification would (a) prevent or obstruct the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities, or (b) contravene applicable laws. If you believe we have incorrectly cancelled Your Booking in accordance with this clause 13.2, You can contact our customer support
  3. Customer reviews and feedback. We may invite You to comment on Your Journey.
  4. No third party rights. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing contained in the Terms shall entitle any third party other than the Trip Provider to any benefit or rights pursuant to applicable law.
14. Contact Us
  1. If You have any questions about the Services, please feel free to contact us. Please note that all correspondence will be sent to the email address given by You during the Booking process, even where a third party actually pays for the Services.